Message from Principal Mr. Markovics


             Welcome to the new school year! It’s great to have you back; we are excited for the spectacular year of learning ahead. To help you reach success, we will work with you hand-in-hand throughout the entire journey. We have a few updates to share with you as we start the year.  

              The first update is a health advisory in regard to the rising rates of COVID-19 infections across the country. If you feel ill, please stay home and let us know so that we can provide support and assistance. And if you need a rapid test, please stop by the office to pick one up. 

             The next update is that the school day now ends at 3:35PM. It will still begin at 8:30AM, but we have moved up dismissal time. Also, we will still have a minimum day on Tuesday with a dismissal time of 2:05PM. 

              In terms of technology, students will receive their laptop computer in the beginning of the school to take home. We will sign them out to students in the coming weeks. The expectation is that students take the computer to and from school each day. 

              In terms of support services, if you would like to talk to a clinical counselor, please reach out for an appointment. The transition back to campus is a time of anxiety and we want to be here to help ease your mind as you return. 

              CIF sports have resumed on campus for the fall season for anyone interested in playing on a team this year. Other after-school activities will resume, as well, throughout the year. In addition, we will continue with daily bus transportation between eCALS and PUC Excel in Lincoln Heights. Please come to the office to receive more information about the bus system.  

             For all of your digital academic needs, please make sure to log in to Schoology, Clever and PowerSchool. Teachers will continuously update their Schoology pages so that you can have regular access to class information and learning materials online.

             Tutoring will continue after school per individual teachers’ schedules. It is critical to attend these academic support sessions so that you can receive individualized attention tailored to your needs. Teachers will share more information in regards to their tutoring session times and locations; please make sure to attend these sessions as frequently as possible to receive support and build relationships with your teachers.   

             We are here to support you with anything that you need. We will share scheduling updates, including any special schedules, as we progress throughout the year. Please remember to follow the school on Instagram, @pucecals, for updates and announcements. 

              And if you would like to speak to me about any topic, please stop by the main office. I look forward to connecting with each of you and learning about how you are doing. It’s great to be back with you on campus and here’s to an exciting year ahead!




Mr. Markovics